Articles on: Features

Translate or customize sentences, words, or phrases to use custom terms

Noticeable has been built from the ground up to support multiple languages. As a result, you can customize any sentence or word on your Noticeable Newspages and Widgets.

Noticeable Newspages

Open your project on the Noticeable dashboard.
Click on Newspage in the left navigation.
Scroll down to the settings group named "Phrases" and click on it:

The page shows phrases that you can customize, organized by categories. Click on the field you want to edit, enter your text and press enter to validate:

Noticeable Widgets

Open your project on the Noticeable dashboard.
Select Widgets in the left navigation.
Click on the Widget name you want to edit.
This opens the Noticeable live widget editor. In the right navigation click on "Phrases":

The page shows phrases that you can customize, organized by categories. Click on the field you want to edit, enter your text and press enter to validate:

Updated on: 09/30/2024

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