Publication Segmentation 🎯
Segmentation is a key feature of Noticeable that allows you to target specific groups of users with your publications. For instance, you can easily select on what widget(s) a publication should display. Advanced usage can enable targeting your paying users, logged-in users, or visitors. You can even display different content to users based on behaviors such as past purchases from your store or which specific page they are visiting on your domain.
Segmentation is accomplished by attaching segment values, also known as segments, to your publications. A segment is a string value that can be used to filter which Noticeable component (e.g. Newspage, Widget) a publication is displayed on.
Noticeable offers two methods: basic or advanced:

The Basic method of publication segmentation in Noticeable allows you to target specific Noticeable components directly from the dashboard when editing a publication, with no code.
For example, you might use the Basic method to target a publication to a specific widget on your site, to a Noticeable Newspage, or both. This method is simple and easy to use, and it allows you to quickly and easily target your publications to the Noticeable components of your choice.
Here are the steps to use the Basic method:
Open the desired publication for edition.
Move to step 2: Options.
Scroll down and open the settings group entitled "Segmentation".
Click on the button named "Add segment".
Select the Basic method.
Pick a component from the drop down list and confirm its addition.
Repeat the operation if you want to target multiple components at the same time.
If your purpose is to display a publication on all Noticeable components (Newspage, Widgets), there is no need to use segmentation. By default, non-segmented publications (aka publications with no segments) are displayed on all components.
The Advanced method of publication segmentation in Noticeable allows you to use custom segment values for even more fine-grained control over which Noticeable components your publications are displayed on.
In order to use the Advanced method, you will need to configure one or more custom segments for your publication, similar to the process for the Basic method. However, in addition to attaching segments to your publication, you will also need to configure your widgets to use these segment values when they are rendered on your site. This will require you to write some code in order to specify which segments your widgets should be using.
Once you have configured your publications with the appropriate segments, your publications will be displayed on the widgets that have been configured to display them.
Let's say you have a widget on your landing page and another one in your dashboard that only authenticated users see. Now, let's assume you would like to display general announcements in both widgets but some publications only to authenticated users who are on your Business plan.
How to enable this use case? A manner to proceed is to use segmentation to target users that run the Business plan. This works in 2 steps:
You configure your widget on your dashboard to specify a list of segments to use. That list is used at the widget level to retrieve publications that contain any of the specified segments.
You edit your publication to add one or more segments and publish it.
First, you need to configure the widget where you want to enable segmentation. Following our illustration example, it would be the widget that appears in your dashboard. This is done with our JavaScript SDK as follows: noticeable.render('widget', widgetId, {segments: ['Plan:Business']});
The value Plan:Business is a custom segment or segment value. It is completely arbitrary and it is up to you to define the value you want based on your use case.
The important point here is that you need to pass the segment Plan:Business in the above call to users who are on that plan only. For users on a different plan, you should pass an adequate value and for users that are not authenticated, you can pass an empty segments array or simply skip the last render(...) parameter. It is up to you to make the choice since only you have this information and know what value to pass.
Noticeable widgets use segments to load publications that have at least one matching segment or no segments at all.
The next step is to tag your publication with segments:
Open the desired publication for edition.
Move to step 2: Options.
Scroll down and open the settings group entitled "Segmentation".
Click on the button named "Add segment".
Select the Advanced method.
Enter Plan:Business as custom segment and confirm its addition.

That's it. Once published, your publication will only be displayed on widgets that have been configured with a matching segment, aka Plan:Business.
There are a few things to notice:
Publications with no segments are displayed on all components of the same project by default.
Newspages are configured to display publications that have no segments or at least one segment with value Noticeable:Newspage.
Widgets are configured by default to display publications that have no segments or at least one segment with value Noticeable:Widgets:X where X is the widget identifier. It is possible to allow more segments as explained in the example from above.
Segmented publications (publication with one or more segments) are displayed on Noticeable components with at least one matching segment.
Use cases are infinite: you can target specific users or companies if a user email or a unique identifier is used as segment value.
Segmentation is accomplished by attaching segment values, also known as segments, to your publications. A segment is a string value that can be used to filter which Noticeable component (e.g. Newspage, Widget) a publication is displayed on.
Noticeable offers two methods: basic or advanced:

Basic Segmentation
The Basic method of publication segmentation in Noticeable allows you to target specific Noticeable components directly from the dashboard when editing a publication, with no code.
For example, you might use the Basic method to target a publication to a specific widget on your site, to a Noticeable Newspage, or both. This method is simple and easy to use, and it allows you to quickly and easily target your publications to the Noticeable components of your choice.
Here are the steps to use the Basic method:
Open the desired publication for edition.
Move to step 2: Options.
Scroll down and open the settings group entitled "Segmentation".
Click on the button named "Add segment".
Select the Basic method.
Pick a component from the drop down list and confirm its addition.
Repeat the operation if you want to target multiple components at the same time.
If your purpose is to display a publication on all Noticeable components (Newspage, Widgets), there is no need to use segmentation. By default, non-segmented publications (aka publications with no segments) are displayed on all components.
Advanced Segmentation
The Advanced method of publication segmentation in Noticeable allows you to use custom segment values for even more fine-grained control over which Noticeable components your publications are displayed on.
In order to use the Advanced method, you will need to configure one or more custom segments for your publication, similar to the process for the Basic method. However, in addition to attaching segments to your publication, you will also need to configure your widgets to use these segment values when they are rendered on your site. This will require you to write some code in order to specify which segments your widgets should be using.
Once you have configured your publications with the appropriate segments, your publications will be displayed on the widgets that have been configured to display them.
Let's say you have a widget on your landing page and another one in your dashboard that only authenticated users see. Now, let's assume you would like to display general announcements in both widgets but some publications only to authenticated users who are on your Business plan.
How to enable this use case? A manner to proceed is to use segmentation to target users that run the Business plan. This works in 2 steps:
You configure your widget on your dashboard to specify a list of segments to use. That list is used at the widget level to retrieve publications that contain any of the specified segments.
You edit your publication to add one or more segments and publish it.
Configuring your Widget
First, you need to configure the widget where you want to enable segmentation. Following our illustration example, it would be the widget that appears in your dashboard. This is done with our JavaScript SDK as follows: noticeable.render('widget', widgetId, {segments: ['Plan:Business']});
The value Plan:Business is a custom segment or segment value. It is completely arbitrary and it is up to you to define the value you want based on your use case.
The important point here is that you need to pass the segment Plan:Business in the above call to users who are on that plan only. For users on a different plan, you should pass an adequate value and for users that are not authenticated, you can pass an empty segments array or simply skip the last render(...) parameter. It is up to you to make the choice since only you have this information and know what value to pass.
Noticeable widgets use segments to load publications that have at least one matching segment or no segments at all.
Tagging a Publication for Segmentation
The next step is to tag your publication with segments:
Open the desired publication for edition.
Move to step 2: Options.
Scroll down and open the settings group entitled "Segmentation".
Click on the button named "Add segment".
Select the Advanced method.
Enter Plan:Business as custom segment and confirm its addition.

That's it. Once published, your publication will only be displayed on widgets that have been configured with a matching segment, aka Plan:Business.
There are a few things to notice:
Publications with no segments are displayed on all components of the same project by default.
Newspages are configured to display publications that have no segments or at least one segment with value Noticeable:Newspage.
Widgets are configured by default to display publications that have no segments or at least one segment with value Noticeable:Widgets:X where X is the widget identifier. It is possible to allow more segments as explained in the example from above.
Segmented publications (publication with one or more segments) are displayed on Noticeable components with at least one matching segment.
Use cases are infinite: you can target specific users or companies if a user email or a unique identifier is used as segment value.
Updated on: 04/13/2023
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