Featured images 🖼️
Featured images are perfect to grab attention using enticing images. You can use them to increase publications appeal and boost the number of times they are viewed.
Setting a featured image is really simple. Upon creating or editing a publication you will see a Featured Image next to your publication content. Click on the button, select your image and save your changes.
Featured images must have a 2:1 ratio with a minimum of 1200 x 600 pixels.
Once set, a publication featured image is used at different places: on your Newspage, Widgets but also as meta tags with Open Graph. When you share a publication link on social media, its featured image is automatically used to create an appealing card.
Here is a rendering sample on a project Newspage:

Setting a featured image is really simple. Upon creating or editing a publication you will see a Featured Image next to your publication content. Click on the button, select your image and save your changes.
Featured images must have a 2:1 ratio with a minimum of 1200 x 600 pixels.
Once set, a publication featured image is used at different places: on your Newspage, Widgets but also as meta tags with Open Graph. When you share a publication link on social media, its featured image is automatically used to create an appealing card.
Here is a rendering sample on a project Newspage:

Updated on: 02/06/2021
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