What is email link tracking?
What is Link Tracking? Like Open Tracking, Link Tracking is a method of collecting valuable information about how your recipients interact with the emails you send. Unlike Open Tracking, Link Tracking does not rely on the user allowing images in their email client. Any tracked link that the user clicks on will record statistics. Link Tracking can also provide helpful diagnostics, such as determining if a particular recipient has clicked a linkFeaturedWhat is email open tracking?
What is open tracking? Sending emails with open tracking enabled will embed an invisible pixel into your emails that allows Noticeable to record information when the email is viewed. Noticeable handles the job of embedding the pixel and saving all of the information associated with the request. F or every email you send and for each recipient you send to, you can see if your emails are getting read, in what environments, and more. When Noticeable saves open tracking information, we save theFeaturedWhy Noticeable?
The most important moment for your users to care about new product features or improvements is when they're using your product, so that's exactly where you should be announcing your updates: in-app. With Noticeable, you can easily announce relevant news, your latest features, and updates using a nice widget. Users can send feedback, which provides immediately interpretable, and actionable data to improve your product and reduce churn. That's not all. A single channel to communicate yourSome readersHow is multi-languages supported?
Multi-languages is managed through multi-projects. If you need to create publications in multiple languages, we recommend creating and setting up one project per language. This has multiple benefits since you can manage per project and thus language: publication analytics. feedback and reactions. the labels used to classify publications. the integrations with third-party services. the Newspage and Widget options. the default phrases for the Newspage and the Widgets. the roles andFew readersWhat are the different publication statuses and their meaning?
This article introduces the different publication statuses and their meaning. When you create a publication, different options are offered. Depending on the options you use, your publication will have different statuses and this will impact how, when, and where your publications are displayed. Archived: a publication gets the archived status when it is explicitly set as Archived by a collaborator with the Editor permission on the Noticeable dashboard. The Archived status has no iFew readersWhat are the possible email subscription statuses?
Every project on Noticeable acts as a mailing list where people can subscribe through your project's Newspage, or where you can subscribe people via our API. When somebody subscribes by email to updates for a given project, the email subscription keeps track of an associated status. The following are the possible statuses that an email address can have: Hard bounced: A hard-bounce indicates a permanent reason an email cannot be delivered (e.g. the recipient email address doesn't exist)Few readersBrowsers compatibility
Noticeable Newspages and Widgets have support for the latest two versions of all major browsers: Safari 10+, and the evergreen Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. What about old browsers such as IE 9, 10 and 11? Older browsers such as IE 9 and 10 have no guaranteed support. Please note that even Microsoft has dropped support since 2016: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windowsforbusiness/end-of-ie-support Microsoft haFew readersWhere to find my Noticeable project ID?
While using our Javascript SDK or making requests to our GraphQL API, you might need to know what is the identifier associated with one of your projects on Noticeable. A simple manner to get this ID consists in opening your desired project in the Noticeable dashboard. Once done, look at your browser URL: Your project identifier is between dashboard.noticeable.io/projects/ and tFew readers