How is multi-languages supported?
Multi-languages is managed through multi-projects.
If you need to create publications in multiple languages, we recommend creating and setting up one project per language. This has multiple benefits since you can manage per project and thus language:
publication analytics.
feedback and reactions.
the labels used to classify publications.
the integrations with third-party services.
the Newspage and Widget options.
the default phrases for the Newspage and the Widgets.
the roles and permissions: who has read and write access (collaborators).
When your purpose is to support multiple-languages, you should create multiple Noticeable projects. Despite projects are different, you can and should use the same name for each project. What is important is to select a unique language each time. The Noticeable dashboard will then include visual information next to each project name to distinguish between languages (i.e. the language code).

The language you pick for a project is used to format dates and numbers in various places, use a left-to-right or right-to-left layout on Newspages and Widgets, and many more.
We support duplicating a publication to another project. Let's say you write a publication in English in a project A. Then, you want to publish a translated version in Project B. What you can do is to duplicate the English publication to project B from A. The copy will act as a template to edit. Here is how to do:
Click on the 3 dots icon next to the publication to copy.
Select "Duplicate". A popup appears.
In the dropdown list, chose the project where the publication will be copied.
Confirm your action by clicking on "Duplicate":

If you need to create publications in multiple languages, we recommend creating and setting up one project per language. This has multiple benefits since you can manage per project and thus language:
publication analytics.
feedback and reactions.
the labels used to classify publications.
the integrations with third-party services.
the Newspage and Widget options.
the default phrases for the Newspage and the Widgets.
the roles and permissions: who has read and write access (collaborators).
Specifying a Language per Project
When your purpose is to support multiple-languages, you should create multiple Noticeable projects. Despite projects are different, you can and should use the same name for each project. What is important is to select a unique language each time. The Noticeable dashboard will then include visual information next to each project name to distinguish between languages (i.e. the language code).

The language you pick for a project is used to format dates and numbers in various places, use a left-to-right or right-to-left layout on Newspages and Widgets, and many more.
Copying publications from a project to another
We support duplicating a publication to another project. Let's say you write a publication in English in a project A. Then, you want to publish a translated version in Project B. What you can do is to duplicate the English publication to project B from A. The copy will act as a template to edit. Here is how to do:
Click on the 3 dots icon next to the publication to copy.
Select "Duplicate". A popup appears.
In the dropdown list, chose the project where the publication will be copied.
Confirm your action by clicking on "Duplicate":

Updated on: 05/31/2022
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